Thursday, June 20, 2013

Introduction ♥

So I was just surfing the internet one day. Just wasting my life away on the computer, when I got inspired. I knew what a blog was, I just never really thought much about it. But then, I started digging deep, and I was just inspired by all the amazing blogs made by TEENAGERS! That was what made me get off my lazy Derriere, and CHANGE THE WORLD. Ahem, i mean, the worlds view...
        As I looked through other people's blogs, I thought to myself," Now, what is a good, original idea for a teen blog?." Because knowing me, I'm anything but cliche. Here's what I came up with:

~A blog about the life(S) of regular teenagers (particularly High Schoolers).~

Keeping in mind that I was not a High Schooler myself, albeit just graduating 8th grade, and becoming one in the following school year, my blog started out in June. I went through a crapload of blog names, and will potentially change them in the near future. But I liked the idea of making a blog that will relate to my peers. I hope you subscribe to my blog and such 

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